
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Failing a test

Ahmad promised his mother to study hard. Before she set off to the wet market she reminded him not to play ‘yes, mum I would not do it’ Ahmad assured her. After his mother left, he went straight to his room to play computer games instead. Go, go, go! Yeah!

Ahmad enjoyed the game so much. He didn’t notice that his mother arrived home. When she walked in, she heard game sound from Ahmad’s room! She was surprised that she saw her son was playing not studying. She was very angry. She scolded him fiercely because he lied to his mother. She asked him to study after taking a nap.

The next day, it was his English exam time! He was very confused how to answer the questions. He only knew some of them. However, at home he told his mother that the test was a piece of cake.

A week later, Ahmad got the result from his teacher. His mother could not believe that he failed his test! She stared at him, eyes bulging. Ahmad cried as his mother pinched his leg. It was very pain full. He really promised her this time to study hard for the Math test.

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Air ini selalu berguna untuk manusia. Wahai kawan ku jangan lah membazir air kerana di seluruh dunia perlu menggunakan air. Air itu datang dari pada, air hujan. Hujan turun ke dalam sungai. Selepas itu, air hujan itu di bersihkan dan ditapis. Air yang bersih itu akan di salurkan ke rumah kita melalui paip. Bukanlah untuk manusia sahaja tapi untuk haiwan dan tumbuhan juga. Kambing, lembu dan lain-lain hendak memakan rumput, buah-buahan dan sebagainya. Air juga untuk pokok-pokok supaya kita boleh makan buahnya.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


One day, a young girl named Rani, was on her way back from school. She took school bus. A few minutes later the bus arrived at a bus stop near her flat. When she got off from the bus, she stepped on something. She looked down and she saw a wallet. She was very surprised. She decided to bring it to the neighborhood police station. When she reached there, she alerted the police about her founding.

The police man took the wallet and listened to the little girl. When she had finished talking, he asked the little girl “what is your name?” “I am Rani”. The police man typed in the computer what had Rani reported just now. After that Rani wanted to go home. The police man had a wonderful idea. He said ‘I’ll drive you home”. “Thank you, Sir” she chuckled with joy.

When she arrived at home, her mother looked worried about her. She thought that there was accident happened to her daughter. “Thank God that you are safe and sound” exclaimed mother. Rani told her mom and dad about her good deed Her parents were over the moon hearing her story.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The baby Bird

In one afternoon, Johnie was on his way home from Taekwondo Class. He walked passed the park. Johnie was walking aloneat the park, nobody was there. When he turned his face to the left he was very surprised that a nest fell dwon from the branches on the tree. Inside the nest there was a nestling which had injured its wing.

Johnie picked it up from the nest gently. He felt sorry about it so he decided to bring it home. After all, he brought it home to take good care of it. The nestling kept on chirping all the way home. Johnie was worried that it was hungry and thirsty.

When he reached home, he went straight to his bedroom. He put the nestling on the table and fed it with some seeds. He then made a simple cage for it so it couldn't fly around. He also cured its injured wing.

Several moths passed. When Johnie woke up in the morning he walked to his table. He was realized that the nestling grew older and its injured wing became better. Johnie brought the bird out to his garden to let it free.

Johnie was a good-hearted boy that he saved of the nestling's life. Johnie was proud of himself.

Monday, May 30, 2005


One morning, nanny was busy hanging the clothes on the washing line. When her daughter Mary, saw that nanny felt tired, than Mary rushed through to her nanny and pulled nanny’s gown and nanny was surprised that she saw Mary. ‘What’s the matter Mary?’ Mary said ‘I want to help you to hang the clothes on the washing line. Mary said again ‘can I help you?’ nanny tried to say something but she didn’t know to say. Mary waited and waited until nanny said the answer.

Now nanny knew what to say. Nanny said ‘Mary you are a helpful girl. Sure you may help me to hang the clothes on the washing line’ Mary felt so delighted. Afterwards, after they had finished there work suddenly they felt hungry. Mary read the ingredients while Nanny cooked it. After they finished cooking, they gobbled up that delicious food quickly. Suddenly, a bell rang DING, DONG! It was mummy. They were happy.

When mummy came in nanny wanted to talk with mummy for 2 or 3 minutes. Mary said ‘ok sure, you may talk with mummy now’. Nanny spoke to mummy in the green house. Mummy said ‘what’s the matter?’ Nanny said ‘that Mary had been a very helpful girl’. Mummy was very surprised. Mummy asked ‘did she do something for you?’ nanny replied ‘she had helped me to hang up the clothes and to cook food for us to eat’. Mummy smiled at Mary. Mummy felt proud of her.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Mary, an eight year old girl, was very excited, because her mother decided to bring her to the National Library as she had promised to. Mary could not wait to go there because it was her first trip to the National Library. Mary and her mother dressed up. They rode a bus so that they could arrive at the library quickly. The National Library would close at 9pm.

When they reached there, they went to the catalogue enquiry computer to search for the titles of the books that the library had. Mary loved reading non-fiction books. When they found the four non-fiction books she wanted, she and her mother walked quickly to the kid‘s corner. Her mother helped her browsing the books. Eventually, they got the four books. After that, they put them on the borrowing station and the machine would produce the loan receipt.

Mary felt so delighted that she had borrowed them from the library. She used her own library card. Mary said thanks to her parent that she had brought her to the National Library. Mary’s parent was so glad to have a child that is very polite to her parent. Mary wanted to go home quickly to read those interesting books.

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Ratna planned to go with her neighbor, Fifi. Ratna was calling Fifi to ask her to go to the park together. Somebody picked up the phone & it was Fifi’s mother. Fifi’s mother answered ‘Hello’ then Ratna said to her, ‘can I talk to Fifi please?’. Fifi’s mother replied back ‘oh! I’m sorry to tell you that she was at the hospital after the accident happened yesterday’. Ratna was very surprised that her neighbor mate was at the hospital. She said to herself ‘I will go to visit Fifi tomorrow’.

When the next day came, Ratna went to visit Fifi at the hospital. Ratna brought some oranges & some apples. She gave them to Fifi. She thanked her for the fruit and for paying her a visit. Both Fifi’s legs had injured and were covered with white bandage. She looked very weak. She had to stay there until her legs were recovered.

Ratna felt sad. She wished Fifi would get well soon. She could not wait the day Fifi was going home from the hospital.

Friday, May 20, 2005

My special scooter

In 2015, I will have a very special scooter. There will be two seats for us to sit on my special scooter. It will have six colors on it. The whole body will be light brown. The handles will be red, the seats will be pink, the wheels will be yellow and grey and the bell will be light blue in color. The bell is to warn the people who are blocking the way to shift to the left or to right.

That scooter will be a present from my mother for my birthday a year before. It will be a brand new one and I will love it very much.

My neighbor and I will always go to the park with my special scooter. I will ride it to go to school and it will bring me to other places that are far away from my house too. It will go 100 km/h. It will need petrol. I will be very proud of my special scooter.