
Saturday, June 25, 2005

The baby Bird

In one afternoon, Johnie was on his way home from Taekwondo Class. He walked passed the park. Johnie was walking aloneat the park, nobody was there. When he turned his face to the left he was very surprised that a nest fell dwon from the branches on the tree. Inside the nest there was a nestling which had injured its wing.

Johnie picked it up from the nest gently. He felt sorry about it so he decided to bring it home. After all, he brought it home to take good care of it. The nestling kept on chirping all the way home. Johnie was worried that it was hungry and thirsty.

When he reached home, he went straight to his bedroom. He put the nestling on the table and fed it with some seeds. He then made a simple cage for it so it couldn't fly around. He also cured its injured wing.

Several moths passed. When Johnie woke up in the morning he walked to his table. He was realized that the nestling grew older and its injured wing became better. Johnie brought the bird out to his garden to let it free.

Johnie was a good-hearted boy that he saved of the nestling's life. Johnie was proud of himself.